Whatever. Anyway, I don't foresee any more company sponsored business trips/boondoggles, so the main theme for this blog is now outdated. However, with the encouragement of some friends, namely Nadkarni, I've decided that I'm going to try to actually update this with new posts and random crap somewhat often. At least more often than I currently do, which is roughly never. This may include stories (of the epic variety, most likely) of my wild antics and/or crazy adventures, random philosophical queries that my twisted-... er... unique... mind has concocted, and other stuff I guess. I've actually been writing down my dreams (or what I remember of them) in a journal (entitled "Dream Book") since 2004, and I might throw some of those in here. It's actually really interesting going back and reading what insane adventures I've come up with whilst asleep (actually, I sleep so deeply that it is medically defined as a coma). I've discovered that a good proportion, like 40-50% of my dreams, include either dodgeball or zombies in some way. And those 3 or 4 dreams that include both? Oh man. You can't even fathom, with 100% of your brain, what that experience is like. Perhaps reading what my dreams are like, you might get a better sense of how my brain functions the way it does.
I'm too lazy to make a new blog, so I'm just going to keep this one and throw whatever the hell I want into it. If you have a problem with this, you seriously need to get a life right now. You're on thin ice buddy.
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