Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dreams from the Summer after Sophomore Year

For part of this summer I was abroad in Talloires, France, and was about to move in to Dodgeball House for the first time, so these might come up in some of these dreams. Oh yeah, I guess I should mention that I took a "Flowers of the Alps" class in France. That's right. It counted as a liberal arts science credit AND I became a friggn expert on flowers. Impressed? You better be.

I'm going to start off here just to inform you that NOT ONE THING IN THIS ENTIRE DREAM makes ANY sense. Enjoy.
My dream had a kind of Star Wars theme to it. In the end however, some girl was shooting at me and my Dad, who was actually Randy Marsh, on a boat. I was trying to save the report that I was writing, so I knocked her out with a basketball. I apologize for how random and stupid this dream is. I'm sure it made sense when I wrote it, but what the hell.

In one of my classes, we had to read a book and then play a videogame of the book. The handheld controller was made of cheese though, and I'm not sure what that means, but I couldn't use it. There was also a part where we were swinging over ravines with Poison Ivy vines, and the Batman character Poison Ivy was there. Yet another retarded situation.

I was working for the Queen of some African country, and we thought the building we were in was going to be bombed. Instead of stopping the bombers, we decided to go upstairs to pack our stuff and leave the country. The whole dream was pretty much just packing. AYFKMB??? I had a dream about packing a suitcase? What?

I was on some kind of trip, and a guy I didn't know said he would give me and two other guys a lot of money to eat dog crap. One of the guys I was with agreed, and he ate a juicy turd. I was sickened and started to cough. I actually started to cough in real life, which woke me up.

The dream started with Jimmy and Lauren trying to mash up some music onto some anime while I was at work. Then me and a few others, including Jimmy, had to escape some warehouse in the woods full of zombies. We jumped off a stone wall into a stream, where I slipped. We eventually met up with Dick Wang (ok, Dick Wang rode my bus in high school. I was the one to give him that nickname. It wasn't really a stretch; his real name is Richard Wang, but I was somehow the first person to think of it) at some apartment complex. Jimmy threw a stuffed animal at him, which Dick Wang then threw off a couple stories. We were in Germany, and I had to walk to a train station in France. I eventually met up with people, including Colin (a friend from home), who were hiding secret gears from some evil guy who was upstairs. We were planning on escaping. While we tried to converse over a phone system in his basement, something went wrong. I pretended to be weight lifting when he came down. Later, a lot of us had wagers on our friend who was boxing. He won in the end. One of our guys heckled two of the other guy's friends. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE. I was clearly still half-asleep when I wrote this. I use pronouns all over the place like it's my job, and I have NO IDEA to whom I am referring.

Some older guys led me and a lot of other people to a weird old restaurant. Then they started cutting off peoples' hands and other body parts to cook up for food. Some people tried to run away, but alarms went off and all the doors locked. A guy tried jumping into the river running through the middle of the building, but it was too shallow and he died. Me and a few others escaped somehow and ran down the long trail through the trees (we were in a jungle) to get away. Some of the cannibals were chasing us, and big bats kept attacking us if we got too close to the edge of the cliff (like in one of the levels in Mariokart). I ran really hard, and eventually we got to our hotel, where there was a small plane ready to leave. We started the plane, taxiing back onto the trail we just came from. Some of the people we were running from tried to stop us, but we got by them. We almost made it to the cliff where we could fly off from, but one of the cannibal guys held a kid up in front of the plane to stop us. I jumped out and pushed them out of the way. I grabbed the side of the door as the plane went over the cliff, climbed in, and we escaped.

I was in charge of security and had to stop a tiny man who came into the building. He got caught in a spider web, but it turns out there were like ten of these guys who eventually grew way bigger (that's what she said) and then got arrested. Later, me and a few others had to mop up a bunch of weird blue stuff that was growing and infecting the building.

I dreamed that Jimmy and I were moving into Dodgeball House. I was waiting for all my Tufts friends while Jimmy was driving a goldfish on a remote controlled car. Jordan eventually showed up, but his hair was dyed in a strange rainbow.

I dreamed that the zombie disease started spreading at the Desmond (the hotel where I worked part of that summer) after I told one of the front desk people not to help an infected guest. I warned Nick, another bellman, who was asleep in the "Desmond Barracks." (whatever that is) Then I warned my friends and we tried getting away. I got the sunglasses that can detect if people are vampires, which is apparently what the disease turned into instead of zombies. I could see who was a vampire and could shine a flashlight at them to hurt them. There was some super-vampire who was invisible, and she killed a whole unit of army guys. Then she killed my Dad. She went after my Mom, but my Mom stabbed and killed the vampire first. But the disease transferred to her first, so now my Mom was the new super-vampire. She came after me and my brother (I have a brother now I guess?) who was actually Kyle, trying to kill us, because now she was crazy. I started eating some sacred beef jerky that could stop the vampire process somehow (only I can come up with this kind of stuff), but I woke up first, right as my Mom was about to kill me and Kyle.
In my second dream, a dracula-type vampire trapped us at the end of a pier. Sharks were gathering in order to eat us as we came closer to the edge.

I had several small dreams. One was of me clearing a house of zombies with a bunch of different guns like in Resident Evil. Then my friends and I had to go figure out a mystery. Apparently I turn into a super-detective/Scooby Doo groupie in some of my dreams.

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