Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dream Journal Early 2007

Holy fuck my dreams are so weird.

In my dream I had to do a lot more work for my fluids class (I should explain that the previous semester, in which I had taken Fluids class, had recently ended. It was a difficult class. Don't fuck with Reynold's numbers). My professor gave us two additional tests after our final was already over, and I actually did them in my dream. Also, I learned and played a lot of games involving knees and flying while attacking things. It was a weird game. (I should also explain that I had recently had knee surgery after tearing my ACL that year. Like...two days prior to this dream. I guess I was still thinking about it...)

My Mom was going over a test with me and eating Chinese food. I was getting pissed because I wanted to take a shower, but all my shower stuff was disgusting from my Mom's food getting all over it. Then she dumped out all my crayons. (How old am I? Crayons?)
Later, I went to Little People (my old day-care) to take a nap with a wrestling helmet. Then I went across the street where my friend Geoff was doing carpenter stuff (what the fuck is "carpenter stuff?"). I slid up a ramp to him because there was no friction.

I played a huge game of dodgeball. I was really good at catching. I have a feeling I really liked this dream.

I was at an amusement park area with a bunch of people, but it felt like I was in a movie. I had to give some guy $5 for tax software for some reason. Then me and Jimmy went exploring. Later on, we found some of the other people again, but zombies were attacking. Some were zombies of celebrities, and tricked others to come near them, but ended up attacking them and turning everyone but me and Jimmy into zombies. It actually turned out to be the movie that I was watching at the amusement park though.

I was able to derive the Navier-Stokes equations on Jeopardy. I also had to go to my 11th grade History class because I had apparently missed a test, and I had to choose a project to do. I chose to do my project on opium. Where the hell did this come from?

I was packing to go home really late at night in one of my dreams. Some friends were over, and Olsen said that if you light a lighter after thunder and count until the flame goes out, that's how many paces a ghost is from you. It really freaked me out in the dream.
In another dream, I was a sniper in a helicopter, and the enemy was shooting anti-aircraft missiles at us. I was able to shoot all the missiles before they hit us.

I was in France in some Twilight Zone kind of place, where if I left a building I would die, but the building was like Death's waiting room or something stupid. Then I took a tiny cab to Talloires, France. Lauren and I visited my host family, but Lauren was really rude. Emmanuel, my host brother, had hurt his neck.

Me and Cronin were playing some Mortal Kombat game because we were stuck at a toy store until our train arrived. Then it turned into a game where I was a rabbit stealing stuff at some mansion.

It was my birthday and I was on vacation on some tropical island (wow, a dream about my birthday ON my birthday!) I stole some weird little trinket from a store for Lauren. Later on, Gary was telling me how his old girlfriend sucked.
In another dream, I was taking classes at my old day-care. I was doing a self-portrait in charcoal. Matt Higger was also in my drawing class, and he was pretty good.
The last dream was about some really old vampire movie, which switched to a movie about shady trains in the snow of Eastern Europe (wtf does that mean?). Then Dodgeball House had to give a presentation on potatoes. That seems really interesting.

Jordan and I were sneaking around the Fogg, (a museum near Harvard where we went for our drawing class) at night. We had to scramble around a bunch of pipes so some guy wouldn't see us. Then I was in charge of a drinking and driving program. I was running around the school, but it looked like it was a level in Resident Evil. I had to build a fire at one point.

A bunch of my friends were living at a house similar to Dodgeball House. I had to travel to some nearby city, but was attacked by two guys. They tried to kill me, so I attempted to out-run them. I ran into a building and ran around it like a maze, eventually coming up behind them and stomping on one of their heads (holy crap!). When I got back to the house, a bunch of people were watching TV in my room. Jimmy came over, but then quickly left after finding no snacks.

Me and some other people were lost in an underground system of really small tunnels. There were some bug-people, but they didn't do much except stand around. I took out a pocket knife and cut a hole in the side to get out; somehow I was able to saw through the studs in the wall. Also, we stole a bunch of sweatshirts (I'm not sure how that fits in with the rest of this story). When we got out, some guy started shooting at us with a really weak laser. I snuck up behind him and stole the laser gun. I shot him a couple times, and then lectured him not to use it again. Later on, I pretended I was retarded at the mall. I'm going to go ahead and end with that one....

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