Thursday, December 29, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 24

The heat in my office is not turned on for whatever reason and I'm typing this while wearing gloves. This is normal.

Caturday 12
Biodome! Monkeys!
No more poutine: it kills me
Long pub-crawling day

Sunday 12/18/2011
McDonald's last night?
Bad post-drinking decisions
Bye-bye Montreal

Monday 12/19/2011
Kate Cilke potluck
So many good foods to eat
Bangers in the mouth

Tuesday 12/20/2011
Researching thesis
Material properties
Great chinese food night

Wednesday 12/21/2011
Last work day this week
Then it's rage time in Central
P.R. darts and beer

Thursday 12/22/2011
I'm back in the 'vern
Sang Total Eclipse with Geoff

Bar shuffleboard: win

Friday 12/23/2011
West Chester bar time

Birthday for Tassi Sat Ba (sp?)

First trip to Wawa

Monday, December 19, 2011

I hiked some mountains and my ankle didn't snap in half

Before I start hurling awesome adventurefest memories at you and pummeling you with superlatives, let me first make a few comments. That's actually less of a request and more of a "hey, shut up for a second because I'm going to say some semi-related stuffs."

After tearing nearly every ligament in my ankle, I spent a few months stomping around in a horrific-smelling boot and working through PT and can now say that my ankle is doing ok. I can at least hike and play flag football, so: good enough for now. But sitting on the sidelines for over two months was enough to make me want to increase my adventure rate 300%. It was kind of like one of those near-death experiences where people go out and live life to the fullest after almost dying. Except for my foot. The week after I was cleared in PT (actually, it was a week before, but whatever, everything worked out), I hiked 3 days within an 8-day time period. It was great and my ankle didn't explode, so good news there.

Finally, I'm physically capable of returning to my "I want to go do ALL the things" mentality, and as such became more interested in completing the White Mountain 4000 foot challenge. This is where you hike all 48 mountains above 4000 ft in the White Mountain range in NH. My friend Katie aggressively accomplished this feat within a year (and I helped!). You should probably check out her blag, because it highlights the highs and lows of her adventures, and does a good job explaining how crittering around the northeast can be a mind-blowingly awesome challenge. The 4000 footer challenge has both positive and negative aspects though. On the plus side, it is a great impetus to get out and go hike some friggn amazing mountains and try things you normally wouldn't seek out. It also provides a safe outlet for those of us who need to hardcore adventure at least once every seven days or else we'd destroy entire cities with our pent-up rage. On the down-side, it seems fairly easy to get wrapped up in the whole "check this mountain off the list" mentality. If you are going through life saying "I'd need to complete my little list of hikes and will only go if it's on the list and if I haven't done it yet" then you, sir or madam, are losing the game. SHIT we all just lost the game... But anyway, I see it as a driver to hike more instead of "knocking out another mountain on the list," so I'm not too worried about falling into that trap. In fact, I'm starting to plan a 3-day backpacking trip sometime in June, hiking around something like 12 mountains. It's going to be epic; let me know if you want to join.

So anyway, at this point I've done 16 peaks. Calm down, 8 of them were on one trip. We hiked 21 miles from sunrise to sunset, I think we battled a dragon, all-in-all it was pretty baller. I also already wrote about it and have no intention of repeating myself.

I had also done two peaks, the Osceolas, back in June. It was a lot of fun, had a bunch of great views, but was infested with skin-nomming bugs that were particularly interested in Michelle's neck. It was a great hike for beginners; I would definitely recommend it. Oh and I did Moosilauki sometime in August. THAT was an awesome hike. A lot of really cool waterfalls and really steep rock scrambles. The fog was pretty heavy at the top. Definitely the view from inside a pingpong ball. Oh well, it was a really fun hike. And nobody died, so that's always a plus.

Then, a couple weeks ago, when I was like "meh, my ankle is good enough. Let's go hiking," Katie, Michelle, Rob and I hiked up Garfield. It was a pretty easy hike, which was helpful when you're going from "no hiking for two months with a broken limb" to "climbing up mountains before you're technically allowed to?" But it was still somewhat warm IN DECEMBER, so that helped.
It was basically Skyrim

And by the time we got to the top, my ankle was only minimally throbbing and BEST VIEW EVER.
There were even some questionable Titanic-esque poses, but we're going to keep this PG. If you want to see them, they are here, but be careful because they might cause a violent digestive reaction.

The next morning Sarah and I decided to go hike the two Hancock peaks. The next morning. My foot was still balloon-sized from the previous day, and all my muscles were like "you bitch. We haven't done shit for two months and then you go and play football and hike a goddamn mountain? Fuck you." The... conditions in which we decided to hike this particular morning were... hilarious. However, that story is not for prying internet eyes. But yes, we drove up to New Hampshire, spur of the moment, and hiked two mountains. It was a really flat, easy hike up until you get to the Hancock loop. Then it is a vertical climb to the top of the mountain. That is a small exaggeration, but we definitely got quite a workout. Again, another clear, warm day in December. What the fuck is going on New England?
The headband is less for ear warmth and more about making a fashion statement

Then last weekend, Sarah, Katie and I hiked the two Tripyramid peaks (well there are three, but only two are on the 4000 footer list). It was a little bit colder than the preceding weekend and there was a deal more snow on the ground, but for December it was a really nice, clear day. Finding our way to the parking area was a bit confusing, but after getting there it was a fairly easy hike. We didn't need microspikes or snowshoes or anything. River crossings were a bit icy and precarious, but nobody went swimming this time. We scrambled up the south rockslide, with one of the best, Skyrimiest views I had yet seen in the White Mountains.
I own this land

Trudging through the snow was a lot of fun, and actually made the loose pebbly rocks stick together, so it wasn't as difficult as it could have been. Katie and I took a few shocker pictures, made some snow angels, the usual.
Katie's snow angels are often mistaken for those of children

Gloves and a hat were a good idea. Also, Katie's camelback tube froze, so I might want to consider getting some kind of thermal insulator. Or not, because I rarely get around to things like that. But it's a good idea.
It was SO CLEAR out I could just DIE

We opted NOT to go down the north rockslide, but instead took a longer, less steep option. Katie had PTSD from her first time sliding down the rocks when it WASN'T icy out, so I was glad we had an alternate path. We finished around 2:30, which is great because the Sun was still up, which isn't always the case in December, when it's dark out for like 43 hours a day.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 23

I hope people like complaints about final exams, because that's what they're getting.

Caturday 12
Great comedy show
Surprise Scott! Moar birthday stuffs.
Thank god for rangoons

Sunday 12/11/2011
Hiked Tripyramids
Magical Skyrim setting
Oh yeah. Hiking rules.

Monday 12/12/2011
Final on Friday
Navier-Stokes, Bernoulli
Maybe this won't suck?

Tuesday 12/13/2011
Studying all night
Oh, also ate some cupcakes
Sarah bakes quite well

Wednesday 12/14/2011
Most intense meeting
Let's all be disorganized
Yelling is quite fun

Thursday 12/15/2011
CHRISmas potluck time!
Ham with a bacon weave hat
Also: homemade nog!

Friday 12/16/2011
Last final exam
Probably in my whole life
Montreal after

Friday, December 9, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 22

A couple of busy weeks coming up. I predict these haikus are going to get... sucky.

Caturday 12
First flag football game
My ankle didn't explode
Ate bacon donuts

Sunday 12/4/2011
Hiked up Garfs today
I am going to be sore
Workout for ankle

Monday 12/5/2011
OMG so sore
Cankle, please don't fall apart
I need pain killers

Tuesday 12/6/2011
First run at PT
Now it's time for work work work
And don't forget work

Wednesday 12/7/2011
Project and thesis
The end of the semester
Is always the worst

Thursday 12/8/2011
Friggn Scottluck time
Trying to make fried pickles
Weren't terrible

Friday 12/9/2011
BECC crawl
Cool Cats hitting the North End
More postcards tonight?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 21

Shit's getting real. It's December already? I STARTED WRITING THESE IN THE SUMMER.

Caturday 11
Had crepes for breakfast
Merry Berry: it's the best
Played Skyrim all night

Sunday 11/27/2011
Bought some blank CDs
Yes. You heard me correctly.
Made squash and Goulash

Monday 11/28/2011
Project and thesis
Another long night at Tufts
Work is ramping up

Tuesday 11/29/2011
Neil deGrass Tyson
Greatest person in the world?
The answer is yes

Wednesday 11/30/2011
Sweet, thesis deadlines
Recap: my life is over
Tons of work to come

Thursday 12/1/2011
Shitty thesis stuff
Brinner potluck saved the day
Wish I slept last night

Friday 12/2/2011
Power Hour time
Hopefully not a Century
Partytimes after
That's right. Using hour to count as two syllables today. Deal with it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 20

This is the most "art" I've done since drawing class at Tufts.

Caturday 11
Big surprise party
Guess what: not doing beerfest
Beer potluck instead

Sunday 11/20/2011
D. Haus Thanksgiving
Nom'd so much delicious food
My god: gluttony

Monday 11/21/2011
Busy stuff with school
No Skyrim for a long time
Late night take-home test

Tuesday 11/22/2011
Sarah's birthday feast
It was a soupy delight
We somehow burned it...

Wednesday 11/23/2011
Driving to Upstate
Meeting Sarah's family
Christmas trees all over!

Thursday 11/24/2011
Watching Sarah's race
I too shall run sometime soon
Green Bean Casserole

Friday 11/25/2011
Took puppy walking
Then went out to go raging
Saratoga's great

Monday, November 21, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 19

Let me tell you. Writing haikus are a great way to cut through the boredom that naturally comes with running engine cycle models.

Caturday 11
Chicago Bean: WHAT???
Puppy and kitty play time
Great comedy show

Sunday 11/13/2011
Ate bacon waffles
Chicago knows its breakfast
Nice walk by the lake

Monday 11/14/2011
Busy freaking day
UPS blows, bought turkey
Underbones with Stots

Tuesday 11/15/2011
Homemade Dunkaroos
Gets me through long Tufts Exchange
But hey: no more boot!

Wednesday 11/16/2011
More and more homework each day
Project and a test?!

Thursday 11/17/2011
Big presentation
Rocked it like a hurricane
Ankle's doing well

Friday 11/18/2011
More Redbones action
Rib eating contest. Aaaaaaaaand go
Rest for tomorrow

Monday, November 14, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 18

I'm seriously contemplating writing some of these the next time I get drunk.

Caturday 11
Train to NYC
Derping around Manhattan
Brooklyn party times

Sunday 11/6/2011
Watched the marathon
Katie and Graham kicking ass
Long weekend sans Boot

Damn you Graham. Damn you. I've been debating whether your name is one syllable or two for FAR TOO LONG. I hereby decree that it is one. Sorry, you have no say in this.

Monday 11/7/2011
Way to go Eagles
Just keep losing. It's awesome.
When does baseball start?

Tuesday 11/8/2011
I can walk sans boot!
Well, kinda. Still some swelling.
Let's take baby steps

Wednesday 11/9/2011
Dentist: work from home
Class is getting a bit nuts
Just a few more weeks

Thursday 11/10/2011
Hi there Boloco
Feed me before movie time
Weirdest film ever

Friday 11/11/2011
Noon Chicago flight
Got delayed, but that's ok:
Deep dish 'za - worth it

Friday, November 4, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 17

How many weeks in a year? 52? Holy crap.

Caturday 10
C.B.C. beer fest
So many pumpxbeers to drink
Mariokart win
Slipped on one of my own bananas... that's how I wrecked my ankle?

Sunday 10/30/2011
Wow. So many syllables.
It was quite fun though

Monday 10/31/2011
Oh good, now I'm stuck
Too many composite plies
Thesis: you're the worst

Tuesday 11/1/2011
Real exercise bike!
Das Boot only has five days
Kicking ALL the things

Wednesday 11/2/2011
Awful take-home test
I just want to watch South Park
But no: stupid test

Thursday 11/3/2011
More PT today
Come on ankle: get better
Always Sunny: yay

Friday 11/4/2011
NYC tonight
We'll have ALL the adventures
Plus, I'll learn to walk

Friday, October 28, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 16

You never realize how much you hate 5-syllable words until you writing haikus. "Congratulations?" Are you fucking kidding me bro? I WANT TO SAY MOAR THINGS.

Caturday 10/22/2011

First day of P.T.
Watched Head of the Charles rowers
Monkey suit Loj times
Yes, this is indeed a picture of me in a monkey suit doing pull-ups while being fed beer out of a growler

Sunday 10/23/2011
Pissed off some people
While eating a yummy brunch
Zombie shows all night

Monday 10/24/2011
Thesis meeting: yay
"Horrible Bosses": great film
China Deright time

Tuesday 10/25/2011

Stones game in P.T.
Gorilla feet pick up rocks
Test next week?

Wednesday 10/26/2011
Class and thesis work
Shit, Wednesdays are just the worst
Some dude scraped my car

Thursday 10/27/2011
Free Kickass cupcake
Boston's first snow of the year
Halloween potluck

Friday 10/28/2011
Halloweeny stuffs
Pumpxseeds and apple cider
Shit's getting festive

Friday, October 21, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 15

I only have 37 more weeks of this. Interesting.

Caturday 10/15/2011

Tufts homecoming stuff
Rocked out a scavenger hunt
Open bar: trouble

Sunday 10/16/2011
Went apple picking
Then made some pumpkin chili
and apple crumble

Monday 10/17/2011
Finally: new phone
Replaced my shitty, dim phone
with something decent

Tuesday 10/18/2011

Doing some thesis
A Game of Thrones is so good
But I must work now

Wednesday 10/19/2011

On this Hagfish Day
It's all about the Ugly
Throw slime everywhere!

Thursday 10/20/2011
Border Cafe feast
Cool Cats host Taco Tuesday
Observed on Thursday

Friday 10/21/2011
Sarah is a chef
Delicious seafood tonight
Lobster and oysters

Monday, October 17, 2011

Last Mini-Adventure in CA: Joshua Tree

Dec. 6, 2009

Joshua Tree National Park

(it may look like it, but this actually is NOT a Dr. Seuss book)

Our last free weekend in California, four days before we had to pack up and drive on back to Boston, Hogan and I visited Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks. Our "hey it's California. Who cares if it's December, it will still be warm" mentality was DEFINITELY erroneous when it comes to the desert. If I hadn't thought to bring a winter hat, gloves, and a sweatshirt (read: the only warm clothing I had brought with me to California), I would SURELY have been an unhappy camper. Literally.
The drive from Death Valley to Joshua Tree took longer than I thought, but it was lined with tons of wind farms, so I was fairly content. The downside to the drive was that it was mostly a two-lane highway, and I'm not sure what it is about California, but truck drivers in that state are HORRENDOUS ASSHOLES. Every so often, one truck will pass another truck, going ONE MILE PER HOUR faster than the first truck. This means that both lanes are blocked for about twenty minutes, because that passing driver will be DAMNED if he tries to pass at a speed other than "ludicrously slow."
Arriving at Joshua Tree, the first thing we noticed was that the entire park came out of a Dr. Seuss book.
I'm pretty sure these are called Frumpula Wumpus Trees

We spent some time in the little cactus garden, just amazed at how these things ever came to be. Also taking pictures in which we pretended to crap out cacti. But I'll spare you.
Don't worry, I made sure to test that the spines were painful. They were.

We started driving to our campsite, because the Sun was already starting to set. I almost hit a quail and a coyote in the process. Whoopsidaisy. But the sunset was awesome. Something about the crazy desert rocks and the INSANE DR. SEUSS JOSHUA TREES made it that much more intense. Also, the sky was ridiculously purple.
Joshua Trees are crazy

I didn't realize sunsets could have these kinds of colors. So I... learned something today.

We didn't feel like cooking in the freezing cold, so we drove into town and got KFC. I hadn't eaten KFC for probably 15 years. I forgot what an amazing experience it is! The fried, greasy chicken and the delicious mashed potatoes hit the SPOT. For the first 5 minutes. Then you feel like a bloated stroke victim waiting for death. Then comes the diarrhea. Now I remember why I don't eat KFC.
Then we drove to our campsite. It was a little plot of desert with a huge rock making a wall at the end. It seriously looked like it was straight out of an old western movie about a cattle drive or something. So quintessential southwest. What I hadn't planned on was the wind. It was nuts. I couldn't even set my tent up. So we both crammed into Hogan's little tent and gave up on mine.
We woke up to go up to one of the cliffs in order to see sunrise. It was FREEZING.
Seriously. Get the fuck up. It's so fucking cold.

All of a sudden there was an enormous valley below us that we didn't realize was there. Thanks sunlight!

Oh is it the beginning of December? Yeah I went camping and saw this amazing sunrise. That's a normal December, right?

While we were warming up, we went on a short hike through some of the park. Nothing crazy, but we walked through a forest of crazy looking Joshua Trees, saw some petroglyphs, saw some quail. It was fairly relaxing.
Long pants?! While hiking?! THIS IS MADNESS.

We did this thing where we would imitate all the wacky shapes that the Joshua Trees made. And weird looking rocks. We're... special.
Har har har har

And that concludes our California adventures. We drove back to Hanford, where my car hit 10,000 miles. I had only owned it for 5 months. I bought it new. Ugh. And four days later I drove it across the country yet again...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 14

This has nothing to do with haikus, but who cares. It's great.

Caturday 10/8/2011

Yuengling everywhere
Birthday bash for Papa Sevs
Dizzy bat is fun

Sunday 10/9/2011
Short drive to Boston
Mexican was a poor choice
The Eagles still suck

Monday 10/10/2011
Surprise half-day off
Outdoor drinking, pumpkin beer
Secret flip-cup bar?

Tuesday 10/11/2011
Mice, broken oven,
Now our dryer is broken
Our apartment blows

Wednesday 10/12/2011
Thesis and class: yay
Navier-Stokes equations
Thank God: new South Park

Thursday 10/13/2011
Glorious potluck
Sausage, baked beans: SO MUCH YUM
Always Sunny too

Friday 10/14/2011
Work pub crawl tonight
Cool Cats gonna rage it up
Goons at the Hong Kong

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Death Valley in December

Dec. 5, 2009

Death Valley

(if you do not click this hyperlink then you will have nightmares for the rest of your life)

Hogan and I decided to explore a little bit more of California on our last weekend before driving back to the east coast. So we took another day off (we had quite a few saved up) and spent three days touring some national parks in southern California.
We left early in the day, driving through some super-intense Central Valley fog. The fog was seriously awful in the winter. There were times when you couldn't see 20 feet in front of you. I remember having to honk whenever I wanted to take a left turn because I couldn't see if anyone was coming. Then we drove for a while, and on one of those small one-lane highways through south-eastern CA I got my first speeding ticket ever. The cop was driving the other direction, so I wanted to do the whole "I'm pretty sure you don't understand Doppler shift" argument, but decided against it.
We eventually made it into the park, but it is so expansive that we drove for a while just to get to the first worth-while sight. Our first stop was at the Sand Dunes.
Frolicking amongst the 50+ foot sand dunes

Naturally, we decided to somersault our way down some of the dunes, but I made the mistake of not emptying the contents of my pockets first. The only real damage was my camera, which can no longer fully zoom, because I still have Death Valley sand stuck in it. Oh well. Worth it.
Sometimes I'm dumb

Shoes were a poor choice

After rolling down sand hills, we hit our next attraction: Badwater Basin. It's a huge valley completely covered in salt flat. It is really cool to see, because there is just NOTHING that could live down there.

It was just salt flats as far as the eye could see. It was nuts. There were some little pools down there, but they were super-saturated with salt. It was sooooo different than anything I had ever seen before.
Reflections are CRAZY

We walked in the salt flats for a while, but then decided to head back to see a few more things before the Sun set. Driving for a while, we saw Artist's Palette, which was really interesting. It was a rock-face with a lot of different colored sands - like 5 different pastel-ish colored rocks. Then we went to a really cool spot to catch sunset.
I started running out of poses

The sunset looked pretty damn awesome

Know what the best part about the desert in December is? The nights are friggn freezing. I'm glad I brought a winter hat and gloves, otherwise that would have been a pretty rough time putting up the tent and cooking dinner.
The next morning we got up and took a short hike through some small "canyons," which were actually glacial cuts in the rock that formed small tunnels without tops. It was really fun, but still somewhat cold. Come on, I thought this was California!
Hogan may look like a drifter, but I can assure you that he is not

We didn't spend too much more time at Death Valley, because we wanted to check out Joshua Tree National Park, and the days were definitely getting shorter, so we had to use the sunlight while we could.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 13

Jessie sent me a very apt webcomic. It amuses me, and therefore I shall share it with you, the INTERNET.

Caturday 10/1/2011

Phillies playoff win
Ice cream at Justin's mansion
Happy birthday Tai

Sunday 10/2/2011
All the pumpkin beers
Davis Square Oktoberfest
Eagles lose again

Monday 10/3/2011
Terrible traffic
Still no ankle appointment
Foot icing all day

Tuesday 10/4/2011
Doctor appointment
No surgery needed....yet
Phillies win game two

Wednesday 10/5/2011
Fluids test tonight
Rocked it like a hurricane
Well... I hope I did

Thursday 10/6/2011
Surprise meeting y'all!
Those are always fun. Wait, no.
Nepali dinner

Friday 10/7/2011
Heading home tonight
Final Phillies series game
Sevs-fest tomorrow

Friday, September 30, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 12

I've actually started thinking about my day in 17 syllable recaps. This is normal for me now.

Caturday 9/24/2011

Mapparium trip
Huge crazy stained glass spheroid
Jessie's potluck too!

Sunday 9/25/2011
Day trip to Portland
L.L. Bean and breweries
Shipyard still owns it

Monday 9/26/2011
Spirit of Boston
Classing it up on a boat
Brought flippy-floppies

Tuesday 9/27/2011
Kickball Champions
Probably broke my ankle
Ow ow fuck ow ow

Wednesday 9/28/2011
Shit's getting swollen
all up in here: ankles suck
Walking is the worst

Thursday 9/29/2011
Tore some ligaments
At least it's brinner potluck
Bacon everywhere

Friday 9/30/2011
MRI results
Seven torn-up ligaments
One bone contusion

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lake Tahoe: There is SNOW in California?

Weekend of Nov. 29, 2009

Lake Tahoe

(this link is secret and you're not invited)

After visiting Train for lunch, I drove back down to San Jose to meet up with Jimmy. We went out and got some Indian food for dinner (I had previously harbored an intense hatred of Indian food, but I started coming around to it. I decided that I wanted to make some changes in my life, and some of those changes included "eating more kinds of food." Curry still smells like shit though). After my tastebuds had finished their "what the fuck what that?" sensation, we took a trip to this really flat field near Jimmy's house to go MOTHERFUCKING KITE FLYING.
I was singing Mary Poppins songs ALL DAY

So we get back to his house and I'm like "want to drive up to Lake Tahoe for the night?" and he was like "sure." So we did that. We called a cheap hotel on the way and drove the three-ish hours over an extremely snowy highway with no ledge protection... so if our car wanted to slide off the road, it was going to. And then we'd gracefully tumble down the side of the mountain to what I assume would be an extremely firey death.
But that didn't happen because Soup is an amazing car. We made it to our hotel and learned that, hey, it's been snowing at Lake Tahoe for quite some time. And it's frickin freezing. I'm glad I had the ONE sweatshirt I brought to California. We had a few beers in the hotel room and went to bed soon thereafter.
The next day was adventure day: our plan was to drive around the lake (we were on the south side, so we'd drive up through Nevada, cross over into California, and then head back from the southern exit). We learned that Lake Tahoe is beautiful.
"I bet I can jump to that tree from here"

There were plenty of great viewing spots. We drove up one mountain to get a better look of the entire lake area, because I'll be DAMNED if I see only sections of the lake at a time!
After several unsuccessful timer photos, we finally asked somebody to take a picture of us

We took a few paths down to the lake itself at times. It was clear blue and looked SO FRIGGN NICE. Well... the parts that weren't frozen. Then we crossed back over to the California side of the lake. Noticeably prettier, and way less casinos.
I prefer the California side. So does Soup (Soup is a car and can't give a thumbs-up, just trust me on this).

It was about this time that my car started beeping at me and flashing a warning indicator that I had never seen before. It was the low-tire pressure, and it completely freaked me out, because THAT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE ANYTHING HELPFUL. It was just the cold air fucking with my tire pressure, so we filled up some air and went on our merry way. We grabbed some grub at a little place by the lake, and then continued on our journey. It doesn't take that long to drive around the lake, but it is really fun with a lot of great views: I'd definitely recommend it.
This is right after our snowball fight. We're friends again.

Inspiration Point truly... inspired me

Completing our 360 degree journey, we then drove back to San Jose, where I dropped Jimmy off at home and then headed back to beautiful Hanford after a great week off of work. Sorry, I meant "work."

I'm glad a blizzard didn't come while we were visiting. Because that would have made our trek back QUITE difficult.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Haiku-a-Day Challenge: Week 11

Katie Rizz said that I was originally missing the "initial banter" before my poems for this week. So I'm added that last sentence. And that one. And that one. And that. And that. And that.

I hope this is acceptable. Because I am NOT editing this again.

Caturday 9/17/2011

Long flag football haul
New running shoes for cheaps! Yay!
Sushi too? Full day!

Sunday 9/18/2011
First triathlon sprint
Oceans are cold and taste bad
At least I survived

Monday 9/19/2011
Poster confusion
Complicated thesis shit
Extra work: NOT COOL

Tuesday 9/20/2011
In thesis beast mode
Take a break for free ice cream
Fuck you, shoulder pain

Wednesday 9/21/2011
Muscles exploding
Much needed shoulder massage
Prolonged fluids class

Thursday 9/22/2011
Made delicious food
and insane pumpkin cupcakes
nom nom nom nom nom
Have I mentioned that I'm a master at poetry?

Friday 9/23/2011
No-Pants party at Katie's
Going to wreck shit

Monday, September 19, 2011

For your enjoyment: MOAR Exciting Bathroom Tales at Work!

THIS JUST HAPPENED. And it is hilarious and weird. I think those are the only two options when it comes to things that describe me.

I went to the bathroom to expunge the waste from my delicious lunch and to catch up on some iphone games. As the backlight on my phone is still nonexistent due to a common "biking through a thunderstorm" incident 2 months ago, the only games I can now play are Connect-4 and Sudoku. I went with Connect-4. Before I knew it, I
passed the fuck out dozed off. It must have been as a result of my exclusive "thesis and triathlon" anti-sleep lifestyle. I was exhausted.

No more than three minutes later I LAUGHED MYSELF awake. I awoke surprised, my head leaning against the side of the stall, to the moderately loud resonance of my own laughter echoing throughout the bathroom. The last thing I remember was a dream in which I was arguing BBQ etiquette to a group of talking forest creatures. I realized how entirely ridiculous the situation MID-DREAM and burst out laughing.

I can only speculate as to what was going through the minds of anybody who happened to be in the bathroom when it erupted with surprise dream-laughter.

Thanksgiving in San Francisco

Week of Nov. 27, 2009

San Francisco

(Mama and Papa Sevs are prominently featured in these pictures. DON'T MISS IT.)

The original family got together in San Francisco (my parents had never been to the west coast before) for the week of Thanksgiving. I say "the original family" because Jessticles couldn't fly out, so it was just the rest of the family before we added her to the mix. We ended up doing all the cool stuff in SF that I've heard about, so once again, I have conquered another part of the world.
Those are some genes you can set your watch to

I drove up after staying at Jimmy's place in San Jose and met with Mama and Papa Sevs at the Argonaut Hotel. This place is awesome for several reasons: it is a 2 minute walk from the Historical Maritime Park (the National Park Service tends to get me to dangerously high levels of stoke) and Ghirardelli Square AND they have a free wine "tasting" for 2 hours every day. Let me just say: you are staying at a great hotel if you and your parents can drink 4 free glasses of wine each and get a buzz right before dinner every single day.
First thing we did was drive over to Muir Woods. They have some enormous Sequoias there, and my parents were all "holy fuck." Plus it was a pretty easy stroll, so even my Dad could handle it.
"And these are called... 'trees?' Interesting..."

After enjoy some awesome trees (is that a hobby?) we went over to the Marin heights (is that what it's called? shit I don't know). It has great views of the Golden Gate Bridge, and my parents enjoyed it thoroughly. Well, mostly. My Mom got a little afraid of heights...
My Mom opted to stay as far away from the ledge as possible

After the Marin escapade, we went back to the hotel for some obligatory wine and Dungeness Crabs (so fucking delicious). As the Sun was setting, we went around the corner to Hyde Street Pier to look at the Historical Maritime Park. There were some really cool boats and if you walk along the dock you get a really cool view of the city.
The Ghirardelli sign just lit up! SUNSETS!!!

We may have gone to Ghirardelli Square for chocolates/ice cream later at night, but I don't really remember. It was almost two years ago. Sometimes my brain decides to forget things.
The next morning was a little foggy, but we decided to walk down along the pier area. There were some old warships, an "arcade museum" (they had the fortune teller from "Big" and some other crazy carnival-esque contraptions there), and then went over to Pier 39 to say hi to all the Sea lions.
The odor here was... less than attractive

I'm pretty sure I ate some sourdough bread somewhere for lunch. SF knows what they're doing in the sourdough bread department. Then my Mom and I took a bus tour around the city while my Dad went the lazy route to go take a nap at the hotel. Standard.
The seafood is so good that we didn't even go to In N Out Burger the entire week! I don't think I'm ok with that.

I think the rest of the night was pretty calm. I went and checked out the Hyde Street Pier for Sunset and we ate some stuffs? Free hotel wine probably happened too.
The next morning we walked down to the Ferry building because we had tickets to go over to Alcatraz.
It was a lot like the movie "The Rock." Unfortunately, there was significantly less Sean Connery though. Fortunately, there was also less Nicholas Cage.

I remember being all "oh this stuff is pretty cool" when I did the audio tour: hearing the escape attempts and whatnot.
They put me in solitary confinement because I was being... I don't know... too rambunctious? I guess we'll go with that for now.

After the Alcatraz excursion, we hopped a ferry over to Sausalito for dinner. Shit got quaint all up in there. There were random little stores that made my Mom go "ooo look it's another antique shop! So exciting!" And I think I got lobster for dinner.
Classing it UP

After dinner we headed back and walked home. And I'm pretty sure I got some chocolate over at Ghirardelli Square before I called it a night.
While it was cool to see a huge freakin tree in San Francisco, it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet. CALM DOWN EVERYBODY.

The next morning we explored some more of the city. We drove over to Alamo Square to check out the famous Painted Ladies (featured in that shitty show Full House).
They aren't mansions, but I guarantee these things cost insane amounts of money

Then we went to a museum near the Chinese Tea Garden to see a King Tut exhibit. It was really amazing seeing everything, but they didn't actually have the mummy, which... I guess I kind of expected to see. Oh well. Then we headed into the Tea Garden, walked around the ponds/bridges/plants and ate some fortune cookies.
They are just stairs, Dad. They're not that difficult.

So yeah, shit was lovely, we had a nice little tea party snack, then we GTFO'd and went to Baker's Beach just for shits. It had a really great view of the Golden Gate Bridge (apparently I love this fucking bridge).
San Francisco, your ocean is on the wrong side. Work on that.

Driving back to the hotel was QUITE THE CHALLENGE. Mostly because the hills I was driving up were so steep that I thought gravity was going to be too much for my engine torque. It turns out that my car, Soup, was able to handle it. AND we drove down the windiest road in the country: Lombard Street.
This road has switchbacks because it's so steep

We celebrated this amazing feat in a typical manner: with ice cream sundaes at Ghirardelli Square (this has become standard).

Oh yeah! We had scheduled a bus tour of Napa and Sonoma Valley wine tastings the next day! Not having to drive = MOAR BOOZE. We actually had some really good wine. We stopped at four vineyards, and I'm pretty sure I was tipsy all day.
A couple of champions right here

This is what happens when you drink with Mama and Papa Sevs

Ok California, I get it. You're amazing. STOP BEING SO BEAUTIFUL.

The bus driver, a really strange dude who talked out of the side of his mouth (kind of reminded me of the antagonist in Men in Black) stopped at a few good lookouts on our way back to the city.
Mom, seriously. You're nowhere near the edge. Calm down.

If you think the tale of classiness and cuisine ends there, then you are SORELY mistaken my friend. We were walking home and decided to fill our tummies with delectable foodstuffs. We happened upon a seemingly unassuming restaurant called Scoma's, but in reality it was the BEST FUCKING RESTAURANT IN SAN FRANCISCO. Seriously, the seafood was insane. I got garlic crab - potentially the best crab I've ever eaten.
The next day was Thanksgiving, so my Mom and I went on a walking tour of the city. She likes to claim that we walked hundreds of miles through... I don't know, deserts or something, but it was just a few miles and it was FINE. We went by Lombard Street and up the hill to Coit Tower. This tower I think is the highest structure in the city, dedicated to firefighters? It looked like a firehose nozzle, so... I don't know. Maybe. There were a ton of wild parrots up there.
I asked them to pose for me and they said "ok."

It was a really cool view of the city from up there.
Me: "hey let's walk over there" Mom: "how far is it?" Me: "...don't worry about it."

We then walked down the hill into North Beach - the Italian district. We had some lunch at a place called the Stinking Rose. Their thing was to put shitloads of garlic into EVERYTHING. No joke. My Mom ordered something called "40 Clove Chicken Breast." My kind of place. It was delicious. I needed some industrial strength gum after that meal. We walked by the really thin building (shit, I can't remember the name, whatever) where the Godfather was written. It was cool though. We then meandered into Chinatown, right nearby. We kind of wandered around, the tallest people for BLOCKS, until we came across a little hole-in-the-wall place in a tiny ally. This is where fortune cookies were first invented.
These cookies were DERICIOUS

I bought a bag and ate half of them. The other half is still in my glove compartment. Almost two years later... We then went a tiny bit further to see city hall.
The number of homeless people per square foot in this area is staggering.

Mom was getting all "my feet have blisters from walking so much," so we went back to the hotel. Good thing too, because it was about time for our "alternative" Thanksgiving dinner. We had a four-course meal at a Chinese-fusion (not sure what it's fused with. hydrogen?) restaurant. It wasn't bad. I think I was really in the mood for a traditional Thanksgiving meal though. But it was cool to try something new. We went to an Irish pub right near the hotel after dinner. I bought my parents some Irish coffee (the only coffee I like) and then drunkenly conversed with some German people. I spouted all the German I know, so the conversation probably went something like:
"Good evening."
"I speak a little German."
"That's really good blah blah blah talking too fast."
"I have one year of German."
"talking too fast"
"I don't understand."
"Where are you from?"
"Philadelphia. nonsensical gibberish"
"talking too fast"

Our last day we really took it easy. I think just walked around the area, listened to the homeless guy who sings rap songs about people he sees, probably ate some food. My parents were tired, so I went over to the Golden Gate because I wanted to walk across it. I had an unhealthy attraction to that bridge. So I walked across during Sunset. It was great.

When I got back, we made the decision to go back to Scoma's, because HOLY CRAP. Are you kidding me? That food was so good. I got the exact same thing I did two nights before and it did NOT disappoint.
That was it for my parents, so the next morning I bid them farewell and went about my merry way. Where was my merry way? North to Marin to visit Lauren "L-Train" Schliessman at the school she worked at. We had a nice cafeteria lunch together, shot the shit, and enjoyed her school's gorgeous campus. MUST HAVE BEEN REAL TOUGH GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL THERE, TRAIN. But that about sums up my Great San Francisco Adventure. I still had a couple days off work, so I went back down to San Jose to meet up with Jimmy again. More adventures to follow.
This is the time I went to the Golden Gate Bridge and didn't urinate on it. Still cool I guess.