Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Life Goals... workin on it

Back in May of 2011 I granted the world access to my "Under 30" list: http://sevsgoeswest.blogspot.com/2011/05/before-im-30.html

Basically, after I graduated Tufts undergrad, I made a list of all the stuff I wanted to accomplish before the ripe age of 30.  Whelp: today I turn 27.  Which means I have exactly 3 years to complete this list.  It seems daunting, but after looking at what I've accomplished so far, it looks like I'm on pace.  I mean, some of these things are going to require a serious shift in life priorities, but it's good to know that I'm on track.

1. Oktoberfest in Munich - I should begin preparations to research this for 2014.  Who's in?
2. Get a dog - after Kyle obtained Beckett (click here to transport to puppytimes), it became clear that my mastery over such a creature must commence shortly.
3. Skydive - COMPLETE (there was this one time when I fell out of a plane but an altruistic parachute saved me)
4. Triathlon - COMPLETE.  Well, it was a sprint triathlon, but still I'm counting it.  I might try an all-out-no-chance-of-survival triathlon sometime in the future too though.
5. Climb Kilimanjaro - COMPLETE.  I'm going to be honest here, that one was a stretch, but I pulled it off.  And my life lesson was that it sucks to breath when you're at 19,300 ft and there's no oxygen.

Climbing to the Top of Africa should be on everyone's "Under 30" list
6. Go to California - COMPLETE.  I was a kinda-resident for a few months.  You know... the title of this very blag?
7. Go to Yellowstone - COMPLETE.

It was majestic in all the right ways.  I even made a couple of bear and moose buddies.
8. Learn another language - um... well on the bright side, when I was there I was able to have VERY simple (VERY horrendous) conversations, so maybe I'm getting there?  I really need to put in some time for this one...
9. Learn how to solo on the guitar - my current tactic to "completely ignore my guitar and forget everything I once knew about it" does not seem to be paying off.  I'm going to have to switch strategies.
10. Go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras - ok, so my options are to do this either next year or the year after.  I should figure this thing out.
11. Go to Japan - WHY DID I SET SUCH LOFTY GOALS.  But no, I'm going to do this.  Just you wait.
12. Eat the Vermonster - COMPLETE.  It took a handful of ice cream warriors, but we pulled it off and kept the bucket as proof.  Side note: you will not be allowed into the Hong Kong with a giant empty bucket.  Who knew?
13. Paint the Tufts cannon - I need to just buy some paint and do this.
14. Drink around the world at Epcot - the idea is to drink one specialty drink from each of the countries in Epcot.  It sounds like a fantastic day.
15. Wear Greenman suit to a sports game - COMPLETE.  I went to a pre-season Eagles game when they came up to New England to play against the Patriots in full Greenman attire.  It was great: the Eagles destroyed them (and then proceeded to have one of the worst seasons in years).  I got a lot of strange looks, but that only fueled my pro-Eagles rage.
16. Eat the world's spiciest burger - COMPLETE (UGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH I REGRET EVERYTHING).
17. Get Master's Degree - COMPLETE.  No thesis defense is complete without getting the worst migrane in the world and throwing up on your way home.
18. Backpack in the Alps - I've got a backpack and camera.  Now all I need is the money and time.
19. Brew beer - COMPLETE.  I have since brewed 7 different batches, and will be working with fellow n00b brewers on the 8th soon (RIGHT Alex???)

20. Hike the Presidentials - COMPLETE.  It took 15 hours, but we got it done in one day.  EPIC HIKE 2k11.
Some of it was inside a pingpong ball, but that's how the White Mountains operate
21. Go to Bay to Breakers - COMPLETE. Run?  No.  Dress up to the theme of Rumspringa while raging across San Fransisco?  Yes.
The weather is... perfect?  Is this really SF?

22. Hike all 48 4000 footers of the White Mountains - COMPLETE. Great way to get out and hike a bunch of different mountains (while also trying microspikes, snowshoeing, not dying in freezing cold weather, etc.).
It's Skyrim
23. Go to Smokey Mountain National Park - after reading things like "A Walk in the Woods" and "anything ever written about the Smokies: this isn't a book it's just me typing in quotes," I must visit.  They have ridiculous synchronous firefly mating.  Planning a Tennessee road trip for this June.

13/23 completed.  These next three years are going to either be epic or heartbreaking.