Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dreams from October/November 2005

It is fairly outrageous going back and reading some of my old dreams, because I can almost immediately remember what was going on in my life to produce some aspects of these dreams. I've decided that I'm going to keep what I originally wrote unmolested (not sure why, but I just got a kick out of the fact that I used the word "unmolested." Probably a good sign for my gradually-developing maturity.). Anything that I add I'll put in italics. Think you can handle that? You better, because this train is FULL SPEED AHEAD. Oh, one more thing. These entries are going to have the literacy quality of a blind chimpanzee with Down Syndrome (is that even possible?) on account of the fact that I JUST WOKE UP when I wrote these, and was most likely still somewhat unconscious. So be gentle. Plus, when I wrote these, I was still in the mindset that what I had just dreamed makes sense, so some of these sentences will make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE because my brain was still in "dream mode." Just run with it.

My friends and I were badmouthing a really big spider that was behind us. (WTF DOES THIS EVEN MEAN???) It sort of looked like a red land-octopus. It shape shifted into a weird Kirby-creature that could bounce really far. We ran, but it chased me. It kept trying to bite me. Then I grabbed it off me and threw it into a plastic surgery building, where they operated on it so it couldn't shape-shift anymore. How can you even make this up?

Jordan (one of my good friends from Tufts) and I had several long discussions about whether or not to jump off a very high roof. We didn't do it, but came very close. When I read this, I see the two of us discussing at length the advantages and disadvantages of jumping off a roof very seriously. Makes sense.

In my dream, I was drunk and everyone knew it but me. I was trying to climb a parade float that I was supposed to be on, but everyone kept pushing me off. I was confused about why I couldn't lift myself back onto it.

I was playing dodgeball, but a lot of my team couldn't come. The other team only had four players though. We destroyed them thoroughly. I like how the most important part of this dream is not whether we won or lost, but how badly we beat the other team. Winning was assumed.

In my dream, I was a bunch of different Smash Bros. characters. Somehow, I was relating the entire fight to astrophysics. Obviously, my sophomore year can be summed up by my Astrophysics class and playing a lot of Smash.

I had a dream about calculating the r and theta forces of dodgeball. I kept thinking I was getting wrong answers. Holy crap what a shitty dream that must have been.

Jizz Jizz tried to finish off my last grapefruit juice. HAHAHAHA: that is the entire part of the dream! For some reason, I thought this sentence sufficiently explains exactly what was going on. You should see what it looks like, it is just a scribbled mess in between two lines on the notebook paper. I think I was still asleep when I wrote this.
In another dream, a bunch of us were trying to see all possible movies. We kept going into Philadelphia to a building with a really fast elevator. It went down 330 floors in less than 10 seconds. Lucky (my dog, who actually recently passed away) lived in it. At one point, Lauren (my girlfriend at the time) didn't think I knew about 30th Street Station, but she said it was actually 90th Street Station. It was a really nice day out, but in the morning it rained. Geoff (one of my best friends from home) didn't go with me in the morning. We stopped at Wawa and he decided not to come. There was a huge scorpion-spider walking around, and then it started to mate with another. It was horrifying. I have absolutely no idea how my past-self thought this made any sense. This is just a jumble of setting descriptions mixed in with a story about a horny monster. What the hell.

Kyle (my roomate that year in South Hall) and I were working on building a speaker, when I went off to go to the bathroom. I wandered into an unlocked empty room in South. I went back and told Kyle, but when we went back, it was occupied.

A few groups of people were either sleeping or doing homework in the building I was in. I was trying to figure out which Math assignment to do, and trying to find my assignments from previous years. I ran to Toys R Us to get away from a group of zombies. WHAT? How and when did that last part start happening?

In our dorms, locks were put on all the bathrooms that you had to swipe to get into. There was a masterbation calculator on it (honestly, where do I come up with this stuff?), and if they assumed you masterbated a certain amount, your GPA would go down a point and you couldn't get into the bathroom. You had an allowance of 6 for every 62 times you used the bathroom, but it was broken and said I was above the limit. So my GPA went down and I couldn't use the bathroom, which now finally had the good kind of soap. (I really hated that purell hand sanitizer stuff. Probably because it smelled exactly like vodka). Then I was in Iraq at an airport, but it wouldn't let planes fly. So I had to walk to the airport next door, where I ran into Matt Higger (one of my good friends from Tufts). This is the third time I had met him in this spot.
We also won the dodgeball tournament in Chicago. I love how I randomly throw things in at the end that have absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the dream.

I was at Tufts and it was the first stages of a zombie attack. I was getting people ready to go to a safe place. Later, we ordered Chinese, but mine never arrived. I trained a mouse in South Hall when a new girl moved in. I just wrote three ENTIRELY different ideas in four sentences. What happened with the zombie attack? Were we ok? I guess so, because about five minutes later we were already trying to order Chines. And I was obviously PISSED that mine didn't arrive. I know my priorities here. Noting whether or not I enjoyed my chinese food is above explaining how we got out of a zombie attack. And that last sentence? What am I thinking here? "I trained a mouse in South Hall when a new girl moved in." Of course, of course. What else would I be doing to prepare for her arrival? I guess you can just make up your own reasoning for that one.

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